My maids are far from typical. I make it a point to surround myself with the most extraordinary people I can find. My friends are some of the most entertaining, intelligent, hilarious, and unique people I've ever known.
And my super group of six are the women (and man) I would turn to whenever, wherever, no matter what. I simply cannot fathom a life without them. In all likelihood I would, at this very moment, be napping in a pile of straw after a hard day of indentured service for a traveling Bratislavan circus that I had taken up with while trying to win back my left shoe that I had lost in a scuffle with a bearded lady. Luckily, things will most likely never come to that.

Obviously you remember Cheyne and her amazing Cut Out and Collect shop from our fun little Cut Out and Collect giveaway. Well, after a little brainstorming, and while I was all "well I want something totally versatile but also kind of classy so they can use it anywhere but also it has to symbolize each girl and I definitely want that Bling Bling Bitches sass but not too much sass and how about their names and if there is no action in the universe does time still exist and how long do I need to cook the macaroni, you know what I mean?" And Cheyne was all "totally." And we came up with the perfect project. We discussed colors, patterns, and embroidery options and then she set to work.

Within a few weeks, Cheyne had whipped up the eight cutest customized clutches I had ever seen in my life.

And don't worry, dear readers, that devilishly handsome Man of Honor was not given a clutch. Along with a "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" set of brass bookends (LoLzzZZ inside joke, ya'll!!1!), Michael got a customized set of cuff links. Inside one was a piece of a vintage map of Philadelphia (where we live now) and inside the other was a map of Scituate (where B and I will likely be moving in the very near future). You may commence crying ... now.
And you can find more just like them at the dlk designs Etsy shop.

love my bag! its all i use! :)
Look who learned how to use the comment feature on blogger!
love CutOutandCollect's work! she rocks!
Bridget lies. I begged her.
One of the most fun projects i've done IN A VERY LONG TIME! Such an honor!
I came across your blog and LOVE IT. Congrats on your marriage - the pictures are beautiful. And I am uber jealous of the bags! Adorable!
Cheyne's clutches are beautiful! I got to see some of them while they were "in the works" and my first thought: Man, my friend's talented.
OK---I'm a guy---and old to boot. So I don't usually get into bridesmaids dresses and bouquets and stuff. But yours were the best I have ever seen!!!!!
Did you really have a Man of Honor? Is that done much nowadays?
@iconjohn only by totally lucky ladies who have the best gay friend in the world.
@gramps, you know you've hit the present jackpot when some old dude named "gramps" says you did good.
@Cheyne, marry me?
I'm not very happy you are leaving you know.
It's almost creepy how much I'm sad about this.
Beer please soon?
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