Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wednesday's Song of the Week

There is perhaps no band that reminds me of my early 20s quite like Death Cab for Cutie. I'd lie on top of my bed for hours reading to The Photo Album. When I was in New Zealand, few albums got as much play time as Transatlanticism. And I will always remember running through the streets of Baltimore with Plans spinning on my iPod.

I was disappointed with their post-Plans release, Narrow Stairs, and have been giving Death Cab for Cutie less and less play time throughout the years as other artists have wormed their way into the soft spot of my tiny, black heart. Though to be fair, they set the bar preeeeettty high with Plans, in my opinion. I'm cautiously optimistic about their newest release however, Codes and Keys.

I wasn't impressed the first time I heard the single "You are a Tourist." But after giving it a few more listens, Ben Gibbard is once again winning me over. While it's certainly no musical masterpiece (I'm currently shitting my pants over the upcoming My Morning Jacket album because oh myyyyyyy gah), but "You are a Tourist" is just hitting home right now. Really hitting home. You win this time, Gibbard. You got me back. For now.

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