I say bittersweet because now, this group of best friends is spread out across the world. And this distance makes it quite difficult to all live in houses next door to each other.
A Partial List of Cities (in No Particular Order) That Prevent Me From Living Next Door to My Friends:
Pittsburgh, PA
Chicago, IL
New York, NY
Berlin, Germany
Baltimore, MD
Washington, D.C.
Bangkok, Thailand
Some Random Biodiversity Station That I Don't Feel Like Looking Up the Name Of, Ecuador
Boston, MA
Needless to say, I've been feeling pretty nostalgic recently (and those that know me know that I'm prone to bouts of hopeless nostalgia). College was an amazing time. I'm sure I don't need to go into the details of why. But beyond that, it really comes down to one thing: I miss my friends.
The Real World isn't all that horrible. We all have jobs. Those of us that don't currently have jobs are in law school, so in a few years they will, and they'll be making more money than I am. How much money? Buttloads of money.
They will also defend me (for free) when I get sued, possibly for something I say in this blog.
And thank blog for the Internet, because I still talk to my friends almost every day. E-mails, IMs, and g-chats certainly don't hold a candle to the Morning After Recap on the Couch, but they help me get my (almost) instant girlfriend fix. And those free nights and weekends keep us all gabbing when we need it most.

I'll defend you with all of my heart but let's make sure you don't confess too much on this blog. It's also worth noting, recaps on the couch are only a few days away now.
On a different note, there is a positive to all of this. Having friends in different places means your reasons and opportunities to travel and experience a new place as a "local" increase greatly. Visitors are always welcome to wherever my home may be.
P.S. I think you forgot Honduras.
I just discovered this and remember this conversation in the kitchen haha...holler on feeling nostalgic and the endless list of cities that prevent us from living next door to our best friends..i think it's something in the 'almost summer' feeling that brings it all back..
but the upside is finding new friends in new cities :-)
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