I got all uppity when I saw the words daily, party, and ass, and immediately e-mailed Bossy to get in because who can resist an ass party?
But as part of the ass party, participants must discuss the ways they're cutting back costs during these totally busted economic times. And I'm off to a great start. Because the other day I ordered this outrageously cute dog collar from Etsy, and it came yesterday.
I know I said yesterday that the only skills I lack are decisiveness and certain ninja skills, but it turns out I'm not too strong in the whole self control area either. Now, this lack of self control and tendency to make rash and unfounded decisions has
But look how cute that collar is. Can we really call it an oops? Definitely not. Definitely totally cute. Totally a yay. Yaaaayy for spending monies! I SAID YAYY.
And you know what, Rooney is going to be so pimp the next time we take him to the dog park. Because who can resist a man in plaid?
[SIDENOTE: If you take a peek in B's closet, you'll see that I wasn't kidding about the whole can't resist a man in plaid thing. Seriously, I dig it. It makes me melt.]
Anyway, so now once a week I am going to tell you how I saved money or how I spun around in circles on my front lawn and released dollar bills into the wind as I laughed and laughed and laughed because we are all so screwed WEEEEEE.
And I'll call it Bossy's

Cute collar! Or is Bossy supposed to be all, "Hey! Step away from Etsy!"
I love that collar! Now, how to justify one for my dog.....
I, too, lack certain Ninja skills. To be precise, I am certain I lack any Ninja skills.
Nice start, Miss Yellaphant. I'm right there with ya. :)
Omg, it's a Ridgeback isn't it? I had one and he was the best dog ever!
Great meeting you at BLogHer too!
That is a GREAT dog...
and the Dow is up- happy day !
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