Wednesday, October 28, 2009

JIMMY SAY RELAX: Phillies in five

If you live in or around Philadelphia, you're probably licking your Jimmy Rollins full-length poster on the mouth, and mentally preparing yourself for the start of what promises to be an amazing World Series. Blame it on the a-a-a-a-a-alcohol.

Also if you live in or around Philadelphia and you spend any decent amount on time online and on Twitter like I do, you've no doubt caught Black Taco fever, brought to you proudly by Philebrity. And as you may remember, depending on your past or current state of intoxication, pretty much the high point of my life was my wedding when my photo of Cole Hamels carting around his foo foo dog in a widdle woggie wackpack was featured on Philebs.

Welp, that photo is back, but this time, it's been Black Taco-fied. It's like the little photo that could. Every time you think it's gone, it just pops up again, in a stark reminder of how much of a giant namby-pamby Cole Hamels is. An awesome namby-pamby who just might play a crucial role in helping the Phillies cinch the World Series for the second year in a row, but a namby-pamby nonetheless.

It's moments like this when I imagine what it must feel like for parents when their "athletic" child graduates college. I never imagined it would make it this far, and I'm pretty sure it can't get much better than being Black Taco-fied, but damn I'm proud. Damn, I'm proud.


Deidre said...


I know this isn't the point of the post. And I kind of hope this isn't a typo - because I love it! Welp, at least I say I do.

yellaphant said...

Deidre, I have no idea what you're talking about


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