Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wednesday's Song of the Week

Recently, what with all the tightening of the metaphorical belt and the pinching of the those not so metaphorical pennies, things that I used to do fairly frequently -- such as buying music -- have taken a back seat to paying the bills. But every once in a while, an album hits the scene and I feel like my chest is going to pop if I don't own it now now NOW. And surely, the near constant joy new music will bring me is totally worth, say, a beer or two less at the bar this weekend. HA! Like that'll ever happen.

So last week I treated myself The Avett Brother's latest album, "I and Love and You." TOTALLY worth those two beers that I say I won't have but know full well once my butt hits the barstool that beer is going in my belly. So yeah.

I first came across The Avett Brothers during one of my Bonnaroo experiences, on a mix CD the gods of music gift to all ticket-holding festival goers. I was instantly smitten with the southern-banjo-guitar-twang-indie feel, and their debut album became one of the most heavily rotated discs in B's car for the following year.

So when this fall's follow up was released I was all "WANT!" And then heard a couple songs and was all "NEED!" And then I bought it.

While this certainly isn't the strongest song on the album, it's definitely the catchiest, and it was absolutely a case of love at first listen. Just try to NOT tap your feet to this song. I'll give you, like, five dollars if you can. That's a lie. That's like a whole extra beer. You should be paying me for this crap. I accept payment in beers.

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