First I'd like to thank all the little people who have been there for me from the very beginning. My parents, because where it not for their own wedding 28 years ago and certain subsequent actions, I wouldn't be where I am today. In fact, I wouldn't be at all. My grandparents, for calling me this morning to tell me how proud they were, or else I might have slept through this day and missed it all together. My husband B, for making my dreams of being featured above the fold a reality by popping that question. And most of all, my dog Rooney, for not swallowing my engagement ring when he picked it up after I dropped it during B's proposal.
I'd like to be very clear here -- and this is VERY important -- I'm not just in the Philadelphia Inquirer. I'm in the Philadelphia Inquirer ABOVE a story of the OBAMAS, who, I'd like to point out, are described as "ordinary." PSSHHH.

I, however, was described as "25 years old," "a bad dancer" and "the type of girl you'd find in a dive bar the night before her first day of college classes." BAM! I WIN! CELEBRITY! Where do I sign my contract for my talk show? I'd like David Bromstad from HGTV's "Color Splash" to be my first guest

To celebrate, I put on a pair of pants today that don't have an elastic waist. My mother would be so proud. I can't wait for everyone to come home from work so we can pop that champagne!! I guess I'll just wait here on the couch until then. Only three hours and 27 minutes to go. So ... yup. OH, "Color Splash" is on! Hellooooooo, Davie-wavie. Tweet
Congratulations! When I go to see the movie about your life, I can proudly boast that I read your blog before you were so famous.
But! But?
How can you revel in the glory?
You're snowbound in snowy frozen Bostonville.
Ya need to get back to Philly.
Congrats! And I loved the Twitter comment from our mutual follower Dirty Gert re. the two dogs passing gas.
Thank you for also making me famous by talking about us crying with our red and contorted faces.
hahah that's awesome!
@iconjohn that was my favorite.
Well done Bridget! I was trying to think of a time when I've been *more* proud of you...and I can't.
That's great! You are famous now! I really wish I'd be seen in paper. Imagine upping Obama, haha!
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