Well guess what, world. Bridget Horne has a new obsession: FRENCH BULLDOGS. And here's why. When we were in France, there was a French bulldog on every corner. I shit you not. French bulldogs IN FRANCE. Everywhere. How hilarious is that?! They were all waddling along with their owners, without leashes, perfectly behaved, and -- get this -- wearing vests. VESTS! ON BULLDOGS!

1. They look goofy as hell. Kind of like if a toad and Gizmo from the movie "Gremlins" met; fell in love; knocked back a couple bottles of wine one night; made sweet, tender love; and nine months later had a baby child, that baby child would be a French bulldog, a la the adorable family portrait I created below:

2. They snort.
3. They remind me of my fifth grade teacher, Sister Marguerite.
This new French bulldog obsession has caused me to completely reprioritize my life. Whereas if you had asked me my life goals 10 years ago, they would probably have been something like become a veterinarian, get married, make babies, and buy a house at the Jersey Shore. If you had asked me five years ago, they would have been do well in school and don't accidentally get knocked up. Two months ago? Get a job. If you asked me what would make my life complete today, it would be this: Get a French bulldog, name him Jean-Luc Picard, and prance around town wearing matching tweed vests.
Kind of like how Meg at 2birds1blog spends about 10 percent of her day Googling pictures of pugs, I spend an embarrassingly large portion of my time every day looking up clips of French bulldogs on YouTube. Like yesterday, when I was so hungover I was convinced death was upon me, what do you think I did all afternoon? And because of that, my life has been irreversibly changed by this clip:
I mean, come ON. I know my dog is pretty much as awesome as they come and all, but that's so cute I think I'm going to puke. PUKE. Tweet
Those ears are ridiculous cute!
okay so I'm on a different computer at work and I can't see which clip you put up, but if you put up the one of the tiny baby bulldog who is trying to roll over and can't, THEN HOLY COW THAT CLIP IS BASICALLY LIFE CHANGING. there was a point in my life that when I got sad, I would google it and watch it and coo.
Your claim that these dogs are smart is way off. That idiot can't even get off his back. In addition, anything french sucks. I much prefer my English Bulldog obsession.
You could go another route and get a Boston Terrier (which look very similar to Frenchies) and be all "GAH, I'm in Boston with my Boston Terrier."
It IS that clip, Kait. IT IS!
@billhelm96 don't think that thought hasn't crossed my mind, because it has. OH YES, it has.
Between you and 2Birds, I'm going to turn into a dog person with all these posts.
Smarter than you, Falko
Why's that dog tryin' to walk upside down?
So cute!
I went to guide dog fundraiser a couple of weekends ago and there were just lab puppies every where. and I've never liked labs and suddenly I am all - must get lab puppy. Now.
Pugs have more personality for the win. Bostons: irritatingly cheerful. Great, and all, but after five days....
I don't know what is the difference between the regular Bulldogs and the French Bulldogs. But I found all bulldogs really tough looking specially when you put chains and dog collars on them.
un. control. able. laughter. over. here.
I have a Frenchie, her name is Indy. She is absolutely awesome, snorty, chubby, and yes-she has two vests and a jacket for the Parisian cold. Yep, Frenchie in Paris-and you're right-they are everywhere here!!
enjoy the farts- a bulldog specialty.
yep, definitely cannot disagree. if i could, i would have a whole gardenful of french dogs.
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