Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wednesday's Song of the Week: Happy green beer day!

So yesterday I was toying with the idea of going all Riverdance on your asses today for the Song of the Week in honor of everyone's favorite Irish saint, but then at my spin class, the teacher brought in a mix of Irish songs to workout to and literally every woman in that class went completely head-spinning, bile-spewing Exorcist on that poor instructor because BBWAAAARR they HAAAATTE Irish jigs, so we had to listen to the Rihanna dance mix AGAIN.

Well guess what, ladies, there are few things more adorable than a group of tiny children step dancing to Irish music (ah-hem French bulldogs), and few things I enjoy more than a good Irish jig. Considering I hale from a large Irish-Catholic family whose men consider beer nothing more than "something to drink when you're really thirsty" and when you want to drink, you drink whiskey, iijit, I guess it shouldn't be surprising that I greatly enjoy my Irish heritage.

But since you all seem to find Saint-Patrick's Day-themed music like, so totally obnoxious, I've decided to make one of my favorite CHRISTMAS songs this week's Song of the Week. Happy Saint Patrick's Day, bitcheeees.

Also, is there some kind of Irish law that prohibits bands from making music videos that aren't completely and bizarrely horrible? We all know awkward hurts my skin, and this is another one that has me keeling over in pain. STOP BEING AWKWARD, IRELAND.


Sarah said...

I don't think Irish music on St. Patrick's Day is obnoxious. I think it's perfect. I only wish I could be at a bar now celebrating instead of at my cubicle at work.

Happy St. Patty's Day!

yellaphant said...

I'll throw some back for you, Sarah

Carla | UPrinting said...

I just realized that special occasions are paired up with different music. So to be fair to the St. Patty's Day an Irish song must be simply perfect. Anyway I think it's not the song that matters but it's how you celebrate it. I love Rhianna's song though lol!


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