Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wednesday's Song of the Week

This evening I'm hopping on a plane to good 'ol illadelph for the wedding of one of my best friends. We've been friends since high school, and when you've been friends with someone for that long, you go through a lot together. You go from football games, silly crushes, and sneaking shots of alcohol in the basement to college road trips, weekends down the shore, and bar hopping til the wee hours of the morning to real jobs, real relationships, and real life. You experience love and death together. You grow up. And then one day you meet a boy and you get married. And, naturally, you go from friends to bridesmaids.

Not only is this Lauren's Wedding Weekend, but it's also my and B's first wedding anniversary. As of Sunday, we will have been married for one year. That blows my mind. Blows. My. Motherflipping. Mind.

Five years ago we were flirting in dirty Baltimore dive bars. Three years ago we were moving in together in Philadelphia. Two years ago B bought some bling and I realized it was time to seriously start moisturizing my hands. And now one year ago we got married. And good GAH that was pretty much the best day ever, eh? Le sigh.

Jesus H. Chrysler what a year this has been, huh? I get all out of breath and hot under the collar just thinking about it. But this weekend, while celebrating all the love and happiness of my amazing friend, I'll also be constantly thinking of all the love and happiness that I've experienced with my amazing husband. And just like those words to the first dance we ever danced as husband and wife say, you are the best thing that's ever happened to me.

See you in Philly, B.


B said...

All I can say is I'm totally stealing this song for MY wedding. My fictional, not yet in existence wedding.

So, that's cool, right?

LOVE Ray LaMontagne :)

Becky Mochaface said...

Happy anniversary to you and B!

Hippo Brigade said...

Ray is like a cozy sweater.
And happy anniversary.
I swear, that photo of you and hubbs in front of the love sign is hands down best wedding photo EVAH.

Linda said...

great post,i like it and bookmark it!thanks for sharing!Best regards!

yellaphant said...

Thanks, errbody.

yellaphant said...

Except for you Bad Credit Home Equity.


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