One of the best things about visiting home -- again, besides all the much needed Mommy-Daddy time because that's what it's really about -- is the food. Opening up the refrigerator here is like unwrapping presents on Christmas morning. I never know what's going to be inside that magical box, but I know it's going to be packed with awesome, name brand things that I'm too cheap to buy myself.
Wednesday night as soon as I walked in the door, I dropped my bags in my old bedroom -- which, by the way, has been conservatively yet tastefully redecorated as a guest room (R.I.P. Dave Matthews posters) -- ran to the kitchen, threw open all the cabinets that usually contain food, grabbed the pack of Pepperidge Farm Chessmen cookies and shoved about six of them in my mouth before I even said hello to my father. Do you even know how expensive Pepperidge Farm cookies are? Those things are like gold. Sweet, buttery GOLD.

The one downfall to my pure eating enjoyment however, is the fact that my parents don't have a dog. At home, if I drop something on the floor, I don't even have to bend down to pick it up because my dog-shaped vacuum cleaner is always at my feet ready to inhale anything that falls from my hands. Here, I actually have to pick shit up. Life is really hard sometimes.
On a slightly related note, one of the reasons I've been committing the sin of gluttony on a near daily basis these days is because my marathon training is in full swing so I'm almost always starving. At some point today I have to run 17 miles. Which sucks because what I feel like doing is staying on this couch all day and eating yogurt covered pretzels while watching a True Life marathon on MTV.
Feel like keeping me motivated, off the couch and away from the yogurt covered pretzels? Help me raise money for Back on My Feet! Just kidding. Not even Jeebus himself could keep me from those pretzels. Tweet
How's your sex drive with all of that running?
I am the same way. My mom's kitchen always has infinitely better food than mine.
Thanks for always thinking of my sex life first, Falko. Appreciate it. It's doing just fine. It misses you. Just kidding about that last part.
Mom's is always the best. But then you go home- to your own home and eat cold pizza and that ain't half bad either.
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