Friday, November 19, 2010

26.2 miles or bust.

It's finally here. I've trained for this weekend for four months. I've logged over 566 miles. I've dragged my ass out of bed at 4:30 a.m. more times than I care to count. Even when it was cold. And dark. And pouring rain. And I had one too many glasses of red wine the night before. I have the support of my friends and family, who have helped me raise monies for an organization that I deeply care about. Hell, it's pretty much my life. I'm ready. Really ready. There's just one thing I'm worried about. And this morning, it hit my inbox. - Good luck not hitting the wall and shitting your pants in public


Falko said...


yellaphant said...

@Falko I knew you'd shine through on this one.

rory said...

Wear brown shorts?

rory said...

Did you do it?

Lindsey said...

Best of luck! I wish I had your dedication to of now, I can only make myself run if someone is chasing me. :)


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