Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wednesday's Song of the Week

Gospel singer Mavis Staples recently released a new album and is currently on a world-wide tour promoting her new and old tunes. Mavis is currently 71 years old. Seventy one. She is touring the world with her legendary vocals, while other people her age can't even drive themselves to the grocery store. That's impressive. I hope I still remember how to tie my shoes when I'm that age.

While her music career started with her siblings in her family's church, she became most famous for songs about freedom, independence and equality while growing up black in the racist south. You go, girl. Mavis' song "Down in Mississippi" isn't new, but it's one of my favorites. That, and I just wanted an excuse to write the word Mississippi because it's fun. Mississippi. Mississiiiiiippi. Mississippi.

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