Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wednesday's Song of the Week

Every time I have a Mojo weekend, I know that besides all of the good talks and good times and good eating and good drinking, there will also be a lot of good music. It runs in the Mojo family. And inevitably, there is always one song that really stands out as the Song of the Weekend for us. Usually, it's the song that one of us is blasting from the speakers of our car as we pick the other up from the airport. When music hits you at the pinnacle of your excitement, it's hard not to scream your little heart out.

Last weekend, obviously the song that we danced to every time we were in the car going ... anywhere ... was Lupe. LA-ZER. Ohhhh goodness I lurve it.

But Mojo had some other bands up her sleeve and I left Pittsburgh with a full arsenal of new songs. One of those bands was Temper Trap. Obviously, I'd heard their first big hit, Sweet Disposition, while I was watching 500 Days of Summer 500 times but for some reason I never looked much further into them. Mojo played me a few songs from their latest album and I schmitten. And when I got home, I did some more digging of my own. And this? This I just love:

Someone's blowing some money on new music this week!

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