First of all, the Pope didn't even know how to use Google last week, so it'd be a pretty big leap to go from not being sure where the power button on a computer is to twitterer in just a few days, you know what I mean? But then after reading all of the Pope's tweets, I started to come around again because spaghetti can be a pretty tricky word to master, especially with a thick German accent, so it kind of made sense. But then I realized it isn't the Pope at all. It's just some disgruntled chick from Texas, which is pretty disappointing because now I have to figure out some other way to get into heaven. Fuck.

I love how you refer to the Bloggess as some disgruntled chick from Texas. Awesome.
I imagine his tweets would've been in Latin, no?
There's always hope for air conditioned seats in Hell?
i followed him because you did but i remember hearing that the bloggess is the pope now too.
yes, i check who the cool kids are following and then i follow suit.
Hahaha Is it at least amusing?
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