If I get one comment, I'm happy. My self-importance inflates with every additional comment. If I get more than five on a single post, I'm practically an ego-maniac.
I even like the comments that just want to point out what a horrendous arsehole I am because something I wrote affected you! We're making connections! Can you feel it? Kind of like you peed your pants?
Then I take a little trip over to some of my favorite blogs where I see that people like Jenny get hundreds of comments a day. Hundreds. Can you imagine? And then I need a drink and it doesn't even matter that it's only 10 a.m. And then there's dooce and oh my gah everyone knows dooce. And dooce sometimes gets thousands of comments. Thousands. And then when my eyeballs roll back to the front of my head I typically need another drink and I don't see why drinking before noon is such a problem for you people it's not like I'm pregnant, I'm just at work.
So then I'm all I blog for the joy of creative expression blah blah blah finding my voice blah blah and also blah blah blah blah and then I'm drunk.
And then I get to thinking
So that means, on days that no one comments, I'm just talking out loud to myself. In my quest for

Bridie, I read your blog daily (when there's a new post)... so you are not just talking out loud to nobody, but you might still be a crazy bag lady..
If you're the crazy bag lady in Philly, I'm the crazy bag lady in Jerz...
aww. . .your blog is in my RSS and I read it always (as opposed to those other feeds I subscribe to in order to make myself feel good, but who generally get "mark all as read" - I'm looking at you, TED Blog). I'm loyal mainly because your frenetic delivery never fails to crack me up.
So, does reading your blog every day (even though I only "know" you through twitter) and NOT commenting make me the crazy stalker from the chess club who followed you around in college?
This could get ugly. Don't sic your dog and/or fiance on me. But please keep writing.
Too much time spent (wasted) on Twitter rather than use RSS feed. But hang in there, many more read blog than leave a comment.
I'm just doing this so maybe you will wait till later to have your first cocktail.
This article is further evidence of why you should have named your blog, "ConfessionsOfACrazyWhore.com". I guarantee you would get a lot more hits, too.
I totally wasn't going to leave a comment just on this post so you'd become a crazy bag lady, but then other people commented, so I might as well join the trend.
desperation becomes you.
on the other hand, ask and you shall receive.
I smell a pity comment! Don't mess with the bag lady. And it's too late. I'm already drunk.
hey nutball. quit talking to yourself. and i believe that drinking before noon is a trait that all bridgets must live with.... solidarity sister. solidarity.
I read your blog and now I comment on it too!
Please don't comment. She is arrogant enough without anyone encouraging her.
P.S. It does look like you are talking to yourself with so many "Bridget" comments on here.
P.P.S. You are pathetic
Just letting you know I'm reading the posts and you are not talking to yourself!
I predict that this will result in an influx of inane comments on future posts, like, "Oh wow, cool." and "Hang in there." and "OMG, they're not supposed to turn orange!"
Also, I am impressed that you inspire nasty comments. Surely the fact that people care enough to comment to tell others not to comment has got to count for something!
"Hang in there!"
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