
"back and forth" "same poop" - I told you poop was funny.
"i peed my pants"/ peed my pants - Clearly I'm not alone. Just sayin'.
bite his balls off/ biting off his balls - Errrr. Really? Sooo. Ummm. Okay. I'm definitely not a doctor or anything, but I don't think that's so good.
butt clenches - Who doesn't like a nice butt? I'm totally doing butt clenches right now at my desk. I had a lot of cookies this week.
peed my pants site - I don't know if there is such a site, but awesome. There should be.
what is it like having a dog? - Having a dog is the best thing ever. Except when he acts like a huge dickhead. And when he humps everything that moves even though he was supposedly neutered and you really think that your vet was on the back nine when he was supposed to be removing your dog's balls and I really should have asked for proof or something. Also it's really funny when people actually type questions into Google as if there's some dude named Google sitting out in the internets who's going to personally answer all of your questions like a magic 8 ball or something. Even though it would be pretty awesome if Google did answer all your questions for real, and just to be sure I just Googled when will i win the lottery? but it only gave me 2 million pages on how to win the lottery, which I'll now spend the rest of the day reading.
the only gift i want on a Christmas is you - That's sweet. And a little creepy. Buy my crap.
italian mothers bossy - I've never had an Italian mother, but I've heard this is true. My mom is Irish, and when I was a teenager, she was totally bossy too and was always trying to ruin my life and stuff, you know what I mean?
P.S. I didn't really set the Christmas presents on fire this year. I just thought it would be funny if you thought I did because that's probably something the drunk cousin would do. And it was funny. Maybe next year I'll actually do it. I'll take pictures. But they'll only be B's presents because he'll probably be on vacation again and I get a little testy when people are allowed to be in sweatpants and watch movies all day and I'm not.
P.P.S. Maybe I'll just set all of B's clothes on fire because then he definitely won't be in sweatpants when I'm not and it would be a shame if I spent all this money on really great gifts for him and then set them on fire. And this way, he'll be naked, which I'm totally okay with.
P.P.P.S. Yellaphant does not actually condone setting things on fire. Just bury them in the backyard. Tweet
hah - I wrote a post a while ago about being so scared that I *nearly* peed in my pants and everyday about 3 people land on my blog trying by typing some combination of 'pee' 'pants' and 'plastic' into google. hilarious.
Italian mothers ARE bossy. As are people planning to BE Italian mothers one day. So keep me in your blogroll and keep that traffic coming, dammit!!!
Oh, and Happy New Year. ;)
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